Project Application Details

please indicate the corresponding research area
Provide an introduction, discuss the state-of-the-art, specific objectives and give an overview of the action.

Discuss the research methodology and approach, highlighting the type of research / innovation activities proposed.

Explain the originality and innovative aspects of the planned research as well as the contribution that the action is expected to make to advancements within the research field. Describe any novel concepts, approaches or methods that will be implemented.

Discuss the interdisciplinary aspects of the action (if relevant).

Discuss the gender dimension in the research content (if relevant).In research activities where human beings are involved as subjects or end-users, gender differences may exist. In these cases the gender dimension in the research content has to be addressed as an integral part of the proposal to ensure the highest level of scientific quality.
Outline how a two-way transfer of knowledge will occur between the researcher and the host institution(s):
o Explain how the experienced researcher will gain new knowledge during the fellowship at the hosting organisation(s).
o Outline the previously acquired knowledge and skills that the researcher will transfer to the host organisation(s).

Describe the training that will be offered. Typical training activities in Individual Fellowships may include:

o Primarily, training-through-research by the means of an individual personalised project, under the guidance of the supervisor and other members of the research staff of the host organisation(s)
o Hands-on training activities for developing scientific skills (new techniques, instruments, research integrity, 'big data'/'open science') and transferable skills (entrepreneurship, proposal preparation, patent applications, management of IPR, project management, task coordination, supervising and monitoring, take up and exploitation of research results)
o Inter-sectoral or interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge (e.g. through secondments)
o Participation in the research and financial management of the action
o Organisation of scientific/training/dissemination events
o Communication, outreach activities and horizontal skills
o Training dedicated to gender issues

A Career Development Plan should not be included in the proposal, but will be part of the action's implementation. It should aim at achieving a realistic and well-defined objective in terms of career advancement (e.g. attaining a leading independent position) or resuming a research career after a break. The plan should be devised with the final outcome to develop and significantly widen the competences of the experienced researcher, particularly in terms of multi/interdisciplinary expertise, inter-sectoral experience and transferable skills
Describe the qualifications and experience of the supervisor(s). Provide information regarding the supervisors' level of experience on the research topic proposed and their track record of work, including main international collaborations, as well as the level of experience in supervising/training especially at advanced level (PhD, postdoctoral researchers). Information provided should include participation in projects, publications, patents and any other relevant results.

Describe the hosting arrangements. The application must show that the experienced researcher will be well-integrated within the institution so that all parties gain maximum knowledge and skills from the fellowship. The nature and the quality of the research group/environment as a whole should be outlined, together with the measures taken to integrate the researcher in the different areas of expertise, disciplines, and international networking opportunities that the host could offer.
Researchers should demonstrate how their existing professional experience, talents and the proposed research will contribute to their development as independent/mature researchers, during the fellowship. Explain the new competences and skills that will be acquired and how they relate to the researcher’s existing professional experience.
Please keep in mind that the fellowships will be awarded to the most talented researchers as shown by the proposed research and their track record (Curriculum Vitae), in relation to their level of experience.
Explain the expected impact of the planned research and training (i.e. the added value of the fellowship) on the future career prospects of the experienced researcher after the fellowship. Focus on how the new competences and skills (as explained in 1.4) can make the researcher more successful in their long-term career.
Describe how the new knowledge generated by the action will be disseminated and exploited, and what the potential impact is expected to be. Discuss the strategy for targeting peers (scientific, industry and other actors, professional organisations, policy makers, etc.) and to the wider community. Also describe potential commercialisation, if applicable, and how intellectual property rights will be dealt with, where relevant.

Concrete planning for exploitation and dissemination activities must be included in the Gantt chart.
Demonstrate how the planned public engagement activities contribute to creating awareness of the performed research. Demonstrate how both the research and results will be made known to the public in such a way they can be understood by non-specialists.

The type of outreach activities could range from an Internet presence, press articles and participating in European Researchers' Night events to presenting science, research and innovation activities to students from primary and secondary schools or universities in order to develop their interest in research careers.

Concrete planning for communication activities must be included in the Gantt chart.
Describe how the work planning will ensure that the research and training objectives will be reached. Explain why the number of months planned and requested for the project is appropriate in relation to the proposed activities.
Additionally, a Gantt chart must be included in the text listing the following:
o Work Packages titles (there should be at least 1 WP);
o Indication of major deliverables, if applicable;
o Indication of major milestones, if applicable;
o Secondments, if applicable.
The schedule should be in terms of number of months elapsed from the start of the action.

This is an example Gantt chart only.
- The titles of the WP's indicated here do not have to be stricly followed or included in the Gantt chart for your specific proposal. Adapt as needed.
- The number of WPs provided here is an example only. Add or remove WP's as needed.
- Remove any columns for a duration longer than that of your proposal.
- Add as much detail as needed for your proposal.
Please upload your work packages like template.

A deliverable is a distinct output of the action, meaningful in terms of the action’s overall objectives and may be a report, a document, a technical diagram, a software, etc. Deliverable numbers should be ordered according to delivery dates. Use the numbering convention .. For example, deliverable 4.2 would be the second deliverable from work package 4.
Milestones are control points in the action that help to chart progress. Milestones may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable, allowing the next phase of the work to begin. They may also be needed at intermediary points so that, if problems have arisen, corrective measures can be taken. A milestone may be a critical decision point in the action where, for example, the researcher must decide which of several technologies to adopt for further development.

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Describe how the the resources mobilised will ensure that the research and training objectives will be reached.
Describe the organisation and management structure, as well as the progress monitoring mechanisms put in place, to ensure that objectives are reached. Discuss the research and/or administrative risks that might endanger reaching the action objectives and the contingency plans to be put in place should risk occur.

If applicable, discuss any involvement of an entity with a capital or legal link to the host institution (in particular, the name of the entity, type of link with the host institution and tasks to be carried out).

If needed, please indicate here information on the support services provided by the host institution.
The active contribution of the host institution to the research and training activities should be described. Give a description of the main tasks and commitments of the host institution and all partner organisations (if applicable).

Describe the infrastructure, logistics, facilities offered insofar as they are necessary for the good implementation of the action.
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